Monday, June 14, 2010

The Suite Life of Brad & Garrett

We didn't exactly experience the "Suite Life" but we did stay in a hotel last night. I had some business to take care of on Little Rock early on Monday morning so I decided to head down on Sunday evening and get a room so I'd have a jump on Monday. I knew I'd have a little time on Sunday evening to try and take some photos around LR and decided to see if Garrett wanted to go along for the ride.

The suite life experience is something the Thresher family has taken for granted. Over the last several years, we travel almost exclusively in our RV which means our kids haven't spent a lot of time in hotels. GT was excited which caught me a little by surprise. We were planning on staying in a really "inexpensive" hotel since we were only there for a short period, but when we arrived we felt like we may have needed body guards to get to our room. We decided to run over to NLR and grab a little safer room on the river. They were having a police convention, so we definitely felt we would be able to rest a little easier.

When we arrived in the room, GT began exploring every nook of the place and was amazed at what he found. He said, "Dad, someone left a Bible in this drawer!" It really cracked me up. He then located all the soaps and shampoos and wanted to know if we could keep them, to which I explained he probably could but definitely needed to leave the towels. The biggest discovery of the night came when GT opened a cabinet door and discovered the "fully-stocked" mini-fridge. It was complete nirvana. He was completely deflated when he realized Dad wasn't going to pay $4.95 for a package of M&M's.

We grabbed a pizza and then ran around LR snapping some shots of the Capital, Heifer International, and the Clinton Library. We ended the evening in the room watching the Razorbacks come up short in the Super Regional in Tempe. The girls stayed home and did a little shopping and went to see Marmaduke, which they said reminded them of Cassius.

GT Standing on front lawn of the State Capitol.

Before we left Monday morning we met Bonk for a little breakfast at IHOP where GT downed a short stack of pancakes. We enjoyed the visit even though Bonk and GT had a little miscommunication on time and we met a little earlier than anticipated.

Before heading back to NWA, we had a chance to go through and tour the Capitol building and I think GT really enjoyed seeing the House and Senate Chambers as well as the Governor's office and the State Supreme Court room. It was a great little trip and I had a blast watching his enthusiasm, however, the best part for GT may have been when he found out you could leave a hotel room without making your bed. I guess it's the little things in life . . .

The State Capitol with the sun setting in the background.

The beautiful Heifer International Building near the River Market in Little Rock.

Another Heifer International pic at dusk.

The Clinton Presidential Library and fountains in Little Rock.

Clinton Presidential Library at dusk in Little Rock.


  1. Beautiful pics! I got tickled reading about your hotel experience. We avoid hotels with our crew but it is a necessity sometimes. (We go for cabins if at all possible...they are a noisy bunch) We need to take a trip like that with Hunter. He would LOVE it.

  2. We would like to go back when the legislature is active and get to see more, but is was kinda cool walking through the capitol and seeing it without the crowds. I think Garrett really enjoyed it. Hunter would have a blast!
